Over the years, we have been commissioned many times to design various award and recognition badges for Varndean School. Varndean student wearing her school badges Our brief varies each time, depending on the purpose of the badge. Often, they are awarded for specific accomplishments or to recognise personal achievements or displays of good character. As the project has evolved over the years, more badges have been added. Our task is to maintain consistent elements while incorporating enough variety. School Badges Design – Toop Studio Occasionally, the school organises a student competition to design a particular badge. Our role is to help select the winner and work with the students to refine their designs. This has been a positive experience for the students, who get to collaborate with a graphic designer and eventually see their ideas realised. Kindness Award Badge by competition winner Dylan and Toop Studio According to the headteacher, the ongoing badge culture is proving a great success. The students seem to value these badges; walking around the school this is evident by how many are being worn. The school has award sessions in the headteacher’s office regularly, with a weekly ‘Hot Chocolate’ award now firmly established. ‘We have been working with Toop Studio for over 15 years and his work never fails to impress. Shadric has an amazing eye for detail and always surprises us with the design elements he uses to make his work unique and unlike other schools.’ School badges worn by Varndean Student Shelley BakerSchool Badge Design – Varndean School
School Badges for Varndean School
The School Badges Design Brief
The Project Outcome
The Client’s Response