Photomontage, varnish, oil paint and pencil on 3 panels. The painting Fish and Chips is based on my local fish and chip shop, as it was back in 2009. The shop was run by a Chinese couple from Hong Kong who I got to know over the years. I was drawn to the cluttered walls of their shop which were plastered in a fantastic assortment of pictures, posters, drawings and postcards. These pictures more or less fell into two categories; either Chinese related or British fish n’ chips related. I grew up with a Chinese connection, as one of my uncles came from from Hong Kong. Some of my most vivid early childhood memories come from a trip to Hong Kong in the mid seventies. My cousin, who grew up in Brighton but now lives in Hong Kong, appears in the picture. This is a surrealist piece of work – it deals with imagination and dreaming, but also the overlap of two cultures. Fish and Chips was exhibited in the window of the shop that was the inspiration for the piece during Chinese New Year of 2010.
Painting/Installation: Fish and Chips
Fish and Chips
302 x 162 cm