Wall Graphics – Wellington Academy

Wall Graphics - Wellington Academy foyer wall tree based on The theory of multiple intelligences by Howard Gardner
Wellington Academy Music wall abstract colourful circular design over the entrance of music department
Wellington Academy School wall entrance to the music department contains a network of the history of the visual arts
Wellington Academy Visual Arts wall detail featuring There Will Be Blood and Psycho
Wellington Academy performing arts entrance wall showing a red stage curtain using Trompe-l'œil effect
School wall graphic - Wellington Academy English wall featuring the top 100 books of all time
Wellington Academy Geography wall graphic showing Gall Peters projection Pacific centred world map
Wellington Academy detail of design for Science wall showing relative scale in powers of 10
Wellington Academy detail of graphic for Science wall showing objects at scale of about 10 nanometres
School wall graphics - Wellington Academy Business wall bubble chart infographic comparing world GDPs
Wellington Academy MFL languages wall showing the world's top 20 languages designed by Shadric Toop
Wellington Academy detail of design for Food Nutrition and Catering wall featuring technical and cooking information about eggs
Wellington Academy School detail of History wall timeline featuring Joan of Arc Queen Elizabeth I and Isaac Newton
Wellington Academy Walls page from design sketchbook Shadric Toop
Wellington Academy foyer wall detail of tree roots showing 12 pillars or school values
Wellington Academy Music detail of wall abstract colourful circular design over the entrance of music department
Wellington Academy network of Visual Arts Wall detail by Toop Studio
Wellington Academy Visual Arts walls detail featuring work by Salvador Dali and Brian Bolland
Wellington Academy performing arts wall based on a stage curtain detail
School wall graphic detail showing first lines and original covers of top 100 books of all time
Wellington Academy Geography wall graphic showing Gall Peters projection world map detail featuring Australia
Wellington Academy detail of design for Science wall showing relative scales in powers of 10
Wellington Academy detail of graphic for Science wall showing flea and snowflake
Wellington Academy detail of Business and Economics wall graphic showing global GDPs compared via a bubble chart
Wellington Academy languages wall featuring Bengali
Wellington Academy detail of design for School Food Nutrition and Catering wall featuring technical information about the egg
Wellington Academy history timeline detail of painting of Queen Elizabeth I
Wellington Academy Walls page from design sketchbook Shadric Toop page 2