Student Internships at Toop Studio
We are currently unable to offer internships at Toop Studio until further notice. Apologies.
Statements from past interns
Working as an intern at Toop Studio was a really great experience, primarily because I think it is a great environment in which to learn new skills. Since it is not a large and busy office, I was not hesitant to ask questions or ask for help, so I learnt quite quickly.
I also found that Shadric gave me tasks that were out of my comfort zone, so I was constantly having to push myself, meaning I got a lot out of the time I spent there.
Chiara Perazzo
Graphic Design student
Winchester School of Art
My five weeks at Toop Studio were fun and I learned a lot. Even though it was a very small studio I liked the atmosphere; I settled in fast and I never felt stressed or pressured. I felt that my opinion on things mattered and I always had plenty of time to do the tasks I was assigned while maintaining a very regular schedule overall. I also had some time in-between tasks when I was able to work on my own reports for my studies.
As a non-English student I felt very welcomed. We compared how things work in Sweden compared to England with open minds. I would definitely recommend asking for an internship at Toop Studio.
Anna Olsson
Third Year Student at Mälardalens Högskola, Sweden
Information design – Informative illustration